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  4. Sodium Percarbonate (oxygen bleach)

Sodium Percarbonate (oxygen bleach)


Sodium percarbonate or oxygen bleach as it is most commonly known is a natural, chlorine-free bleaching agent. It works like other bleach as a good stain remover and kills bacteria, fungi, viruses and mildew but without the toxic and harmful chemicals.

How do I use it?
Dissolve 1-2 tbsp into 1 litre of boiling water in a jug/sink and you will hear it fizz. This is the oxygen being released and the solution breaks down to oxygen, water and sodium carbonate.

Where can I use this around my home?
- in the laundry to deodorise, remove stains and brighten, even coloured clothes
- to soak kitchen cloths
- bathroom and kitchen cleaner
- removing tea/coffee stains from cups
- cleaning baby/toddler highchair
- removing mildew on tiles and grout
- cleaning outside patio, decking, furniture and yard
- even on carpet and upholstery

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